Our Legion of Merit Sponsorship Package is sure to fit right into one lucky company's budget, so hurry before it's gone !!! This package includes:
* 3 Shooting Teams. Shooting Teams consist of 5 Shooters. 4 Shooters will be of your choosing, the 5th Shooter will be an OATH Registered Veteran that OATH will add to your team. You will be allowed to drop the lowest score. BRING YOUR OWN SHOTGUNS AND SHELLS.
* 3 rooms at the Greystone Castle (to be used night of OCT 17 if sponsorship is reserved by OCT 10. Sponsorships reserved after OCT 10 will not include the rooms.)
* 15 Goodie Bags (each contains an OATH cap and a Tournament Shirt)
* 15 Dinner Vouchers
* 15 Drink and Appetizer Vouchers
* 6 Shooter Carts
* 3' x 6' banner displayed in the main area (if sponsorship is reserved by OCT 10)
* Company logo placement on Tournament Shirt (if sponsorship is reserved by OCT 1) and BIG BANNER (if sponsorship is reserved by OCT 10)
* Appreciation announcement on the OATH Facebook page
* Appreciation announcement on the OATH Instagram page
* Appreciation announcement on the OATH Twitter page
** Once we receive your payment, we'll reach out to you in order to collect your shirt sizes, as well as your company logo for the Tournament Shirt and BIG BANNER.
*** As you know, Shopify charges OATH a set amount for each electronic transaction. Please consider paying your bill via a check or Facebook Fundraiser Donation so that OATH may utilize all of your generous donation. If you'd like to pay by check or Facebook Fundraiser Donation, please email Gary Bartels at Gary@oathinc.org to arrange payment.